A Girl Can Dream

Published by Penguin

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My seventh novel for young adults, A Girl Can Dream, will be published in the UK on May 16th 2024. It's a love story and not a love story, a story of finding yourself and freeing yourself.

Hazel is in Venice, on a spontaneous holiday with her stepbrother Enzo and best friend Phoebe. They have just helped Hazel escape her increasingly destructive relationship with her older boyfriend, and have come away to celebrate her being her again.

In the dreamy Italian sunshine, Hazel is managing to relax, to stop looking over her shoulder in case Freddie has followed her here. But there’s a girl she keeps seeing in the city. A girl with beautiful eyes. And whenever Hazel sees her and their eyes meet, something strange seems to happen - de ja vu, at first, and then even stranger things that make her wonder if she’s really in Venice at all . . .

In England in 2022, Hazel goes to see an up-and-coming local band with Enzo and some friends. She locks eyes with the lead singer, Freddie, during a song, and he finds her afterwards and slips her his number. She’s not even 16. He is ten years older. She knows it’s stupid. She didn’t even think it was boys she was into. Things with Freddie start wonderfully - flowers, dates, he even writes a song about her. It’s everything a girl could dream of. Until it’s absolutely not . . .

This is one of my darker books. Writing it was difficult in lots of ways (not the part where I had to go to Venice for research, though: that bit was amazing). I'm really proud of the end result.

Meanwhile my alter-ego Evie Green has a second sci-fi book out in the US: The New One is about a family whose teenage daughter is critically injured in an accident. They are offered an incredible lifeline in the form of a medical trial, but is it all too good to be true? (spoiler: it might be). See the Evie Green page for more details.






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